No chance my clothes weigh 30 lbs or so?
So, recently, I had cause to go to the doctor's office. While there, they did the usual checks, starting with weight. Now, in recent years, I've held at around 270 - 280 lbs. Imagine my surprise when I step on the scale and see 313 staring back at me. I was fully clothed, but had emptied my pockets and taken my shoes off, so 310 lbs is probably more accurate. Regardless, this is a personal weight high point. I looked around online to try to put that weight in perspective. It's actually harder than I thought to find any sort of reasonable example, though I did learn that I weigh roughly the same as 44,989 tea bags, or 703 vinyl records of Michael Jackson's Thriller (thank you, Internet). An adult, male wolf can be anywhere between 60 - 180 lbs, and females between 50 - 120 lbs. So if we're talking wolves sized small to medium, I weigh as much as a small wolf pack. The point is, ya boy heavy, and not pleased about it. "That man could feed us for a week....