No chance my clothes weigh 30 lbs or so?

So, recently, I had cause to go to the doctor's office. While there, they did the usual checks, starting with weight. Now, in recent years, I've held at around 270 - 280 lbs. Imagine my surprise when I step on the scale and see 313 staring back at me. I was fully clothed, but had emptied my pockets and taken my shoes off, so 310 lbs is probably more accurate. Regardless, this is a personal weight high point. I looked around online to try to put that weight in perspective. It's actually harder than I thought to find any sort of reasonable example, though I did learn that I weigh roughly the same as 44,989 tea bags, or 703 vinyl records of Michael Jackson's Thriller (thank you, Internet). An adult, male wolf can be anywhere between 60 - 180 lbs, and females between 50 - 120 lbs. So if we're talking wolves sized small to medium, I weigh as much as a small wolf pack. The point is, ya boy heavy, and not pleased about it.

"That man could feed us for a week."

The wake up call was received. I've got a near-four month old baby at home. I'll be damned if I'm going to keel over due to laziness and gluttony any time soon. I signed up with Planet Fitness, and my amazing wife and I have started eating better. Fruits and veggies, actively seeking out healthier recipes, cutting back on garbage, junk food eating, etc. There was a point, a month or so ago, where we had biscuits and gravy (homemade) like three times in the span of two weeks. That time is done. I'm even packing salads and vegetables for snacks in my lunch bag before I go to work. And when I say salad... NO meat! NO ranch or other cream-based dressing! Oil and vinegar, that's it! It may sound silly, but that alone is a rather impressive corner for me to turn.

My personal Tokyo Drift.

I've "tried" in the past to get in shape. I've had some successes, but mostly failures. I want it to stick this time, and that means using my support system, and anyone else who cares, to keep me in line. So I had the idea to start this blog. As I thought about putting this together to help hold me to my health/fitness goals, I thought, "I've got other goals too. Maybe put myself on blast for those as well."

Another item I've been wanting to work on is my reading ability. As much as I love reading, I'm really slow at it, so I don't get to read as much as I'd like. I also feel the effect of this detriment when it comes to school. I'm currently in school for learning the HVACR trade, and there's a fair bit of reading involved. I've begun learning to speed read, but I've definitely slacked on it. So, I'll be discussing that here as well. I got a book about rapid reading. It takes you through learning this skill in a way where each lesson builds on the last. It has a lot of exercises in it, so I'll be able to document my work on this fairly well.

The third thing I want to work on is my spiritual journey. I've been very neglectful of my own growth as a Christian. I've never read the Bible all the way through. I don't pray nearly enough. And I don't often apply the tenants of my faith practically. I need to improve in this arena. There are some things that are easy to document and discuss with this endeavor (Bible-reading progress), and others that aren't as easy. I'm unlikely to discuss much about my practical application of the tenants of my faith, as doing right by others is too easy to get bragadocious about.

So that's what guided the title of the blog. I'm looking for a total improvement of self: Mind, Body, and Spirit. These three things are the Trinity of what makes up every human being, and I'm looking to overhaul mine.
